There are several bowling ball companies that come out with multiple new bowling balls throughout the year. These are the SPI (Storm Products Incorporated) brands which include Storm, Roto Grip, and 900 Global, and the Brunswick brands which include Brunswick, Columbia 300, DV8, Ebonite, Hammer, Radical, and Track. These companies have been busy at work this month, as usual, releasing new bowling balls. In this blog, I will highlight a couple of these releases. SPI (Storm Products Incorporated) brands: For me, the brands of Storm have always been my go to when it comes time for a new bowling ball. My first "hook" ball was a Storm Tropical Surge, and every ball I have owned since has been either Storm or Roto Grip. I am not against any of the other brands, and I am considering trying out a new company for my next ball, but I have found with most bowlers that they just kind of grow a loyalty to the brand they start out with. The cool thing about Storm balls in particular...